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The best way to invest in trending momentum stocks

Catch Rallies Before They Happen & Exit Tops Before They Break.

High-Analysis Coverage & Evidence-Based Research Behind Every Trade We Take. 

✓ Buy & Sell Signal

✓ Momentum Stocks Alerts    

✓ Real-time Buy & Sell Alerts

✓ Chart Pattern Recognition

✓ Trend Change Alerts

✓ Options & Common Stock Trade Alerts

✓ Breakout Stocks & Bottoming Patterns

✓ Special focus on AAPL, AMZN, NVDA, TSLA, BTC

Mobile & Email Trade Alert Notifications Sent to Members in Real-Time

Derived from a robo algorithm, BotTrigger is an emotionless stock picker that identifies strong momentum in *high quality stocks* in a confirmed uptrend. 

About Us

We've Upgraded

BotTrigger has partnered with Trumpia for enterprise delivery of all Mobile Text & Email Trade Alerts now sent simultaneously with zero lag. Global integration now supported with over 100+ countrie's cell phone carriers.

Text Alert


 Email Alert

Unbiased trades

All trades here are unbiased, emotionless alerts that get triggered based on our proprietary algorithm. We don't argue with a Bot's  proven backtests which handedly beat the market by more than  22% low to 68% high yoy over the last 5 years.

real time

trade alerts

Actionable trade alerts with our exact buy & sell entries are communicated to Members both by mobile SMS/MMS text message & email alerts. All trade alerts are in real-time with a full summary laying out both the technical & fundamental analysis on why we're taking a particular buy or sell.

audited tracking

Every week you'll see clear cut reporting that shows you the gain/loss on each trade, deriving the cumulative win ratio.  Since Jan 2016, we've only had 3 negative trades (less than -15% draw-down) relative to the SPY.  This is a live report as we go.


Since 2000, BotTrigger accurately got you out before the major corrections that plagued markets for years.  Our Backtest model saved you -50% downside corrections in the .com bubble of 2000, the financial crisis of 2007 & the most recent sideways action that has developed over around 2014 - 2015.

September 2016 →BotTrigger formally issued a Buy Signal on the broader Market and went on record with the following publications to explain why. As published here:

BotTrigger finds momentum stocks that are moving strong & fast in healthy confirmed uptrends defined by higher lows & higher highs. When the trend looks weak or breaks, BotTrigger will issue a real time Sell Alert.


The BotTrigger Experience

We all know what it's like to catch a solid trending rally but how many times have you given it all back, and even worse...sold lower?  Ouch!  It's happened to the best of us. 


That's why we created BotTrigger.  A stunning algorithm with a spectacular win rate that stacks the odds in your favor, helping you ride the waves and exit before a major pullback.

Happier Account Log-ins

Nothing is bulletproof when it comes to the market, but make no mistake, BotTrigger will make sure your logging-in to more wins than losses.  In fact, BotTrigger is brutally objective getting you out of a losing trade.

Although BotTrigger can stomach a drawdown, it will non-negotiably limit heavy losses by exiting any position that breaks a healthy trend. 

Learn More

The BotTrigger Algorithm

BotTrigger's secret sauce is rather simple & straightforward. 

BotTrigger scans for high probability setups on stocks that

are likely to either breakout, continue trending higher, or

breakdown for that matter. 


  • Momentum

  • Price Action

  • Volume Breadth

  • Macro Pattern Formations.

It does this by mapping some very key technical indicators that quantify the power & health of a stock's trend, relative to the prior trend, all within the context of pattern recognition.


Some of the indicators that influence BotTrigger's results are very classic, successfully proven indicators, such as: RSI, Stochastics, MACD, Chaikin Money Flow and some key others. 



Whats unique here → BotTrigger merges many of these powerful momentum indicators and looks for an alignment amongst them, all that confer the same inference. 

How to use BotTrigger

Email & Mobile Notification
Email Alert →  You'll get an alert notification every time we buy/sell. The report will also indicate exact price-entry for new holdings & exit prices of any positions that were closed out. More importantly, we treat our Members intelligently like the jury in a court room. We present the evidence on why we're taking the trade. I'll tell you this much we're right far more often than we're wrong: 54 positive trades vs 9 negative trades from 2016 to present (stats updated 7/15/17). Full transparent record inside the Members area.
Mobile Text Alert → You'll also receive real-time mobile alerts for exact entry & exits.



Buy & Sell
Login to your Broker & buy/sell based on the evidence we've presented - at your discretion.  Many traders/investors mirror our trades and others use it as an educational guide to help shed some color. It's totally up to you!  You'll notice time & time again that BotTrigger got you neatly out with a nice return, many times right before a top was formed. 
Take notice of how BotTrigger has diversified into each holding.  Many times it may be equally split, but sometimes we may weight an allocation more heavily than other holdings.


Trade Peacefully,

Grow Your Portfolio

& Appreciate Your Life

We hope you'll appreciate what it's like to catch high quality names that are trending strong.  We don't hyper day-trade here or trade based on emotion and fear. 


You'll notice a massive difference in the quality of your life by trading less often and instead sitting-tight in quality positions that are trending higher.

How it works

Get Actionable Alerts

Professionally Managed Trades

From Entry to Exit


Start trading on the right side of the tracks!  BotTrigger makes sure our members are in on the rallies & out when they're no longer moving. 

✔  Momentum Stock Picks in Trend

✔  Mobile Alerts - exact entry & exits

✔  Weekly Market Recap Webinars

✔  Bull & Bear Cycle Alerts on:

•  AAPL        •  FB

•  AMZN      •  NFLX

        •  GOOG     •  PCLN & more

Get your first 2 weeks free on the house.  Our bet is that you'll stay. 

AND, you are also 100% covered by our Iron Clad 30-Day Performance, Money Back Guarantee!

100% Money-Back Guarantee + more

We take your satisfaction very seriously.  If for any reason you're not absolutely thrilled with your subscription, we'll refund you a 100% money back guarantee anytime within the first 30 days.  Plus, new members get their first 2 weeks free to start.  That way you can really stretch your legs and evaluate BotTrigger's performance for yourself.

Recent Testimonials

Even the best alpha names get hit in bear raids.  Think AAPL 2012 & 2015.  This is one of the many ways Wall Street  makes the big money: driving assets temporarily lower to load up at the lows, then rally them back to all time highs.


It's part of the game.  And BotTrigger will help make sure you're not riding it down for seasonal mega corrections, so you can be handsomely ready to pounce on a healthy  & confirmed uptrend

Bear Cycles Are Real

BotTrigger trade history on Apple (AAPL)

Trade Peacefully

 ✔ Ride Strong Rallies

 ✔ Exit Broken Trends

 ✔ Maximize Win rate

No Extra Charges

Featured Blog Post

Questions?  Drop us a line

Success! Message received. We'll respond within 1 full business day, max! Feel free to call us directly if you like at 805.680.7960


805-825-7777   |


513 Garden St - Studio C

Santa Barbara, CA 93101


Mon thru Friday:   6am - 6pm PST

*calls or emails answered only after market hours +1pm PST


Call us at: 805-825-7777

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513 Garden St - Studio C  |  Santa Barbara CA 93101  |   805-825-7777

© 2016-2019 by BotTrigger Inc.

These results are based on performance results that have certain inherent limitations. Each trade is executed in BotTrigger's S-Corp trading account in the BotTrigger portfolio managed exclusively by Mike Saad, founder & CEO of BotTrigger of Lovical Inc & Inc (umbrella corp). The performance results shown in BotTrigger's portfolio may vary at certain times of the day due to our API feeds that pull the current price of open or closed positions from Yahoo Finance.  Although BotTrigger has consistently outperformed the S&P 500 benchmark by more than 50% per annum since inception, August of 2016, no representation is being made & or promised that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to these being shown. BotTrigger so far this 2018, is on pace to achieve it's largest annual YTD return now in it's 3rd year since inception. This performance assumption is not promised but is being communicated that so far we have achieved the highest rate of return on a YTD & YOY (year over year basis). If a majority of our trade setups fail to materialize based on our analysis or trade thesis, it is absolutely possible to close below our running 50% average if not negative. BotTrigger may & often times does  implore hedging strategies and/or stop-loss precautions in the event that the BotTrigger portfolio sustains heavy losses that might cause the cumulative net value of BotTrigger's portfolio value to near below our 50% threshhold of YTD gains. Our goal at minimum is to be up YTD by up to at least 50% or greater. In the event the net weighting of our trade allocations drops the entire portfolio value below this threshold, then triggered sell signals are generated to reduce to a sizeable position of cash.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results and may not reflect potential deductions for fees which may reduce actual realized returns. Any historical returns may not reflect actual future performance and any investor on BotTrigger may experience different results from those shown. All our trade alerts are real-time but in some cases may be delayed due to technical delays with our SMS/MMS delivery provider or the speed in which a Member's mobile carrier accepts the depository of our delivered communications and then how soon a Member's carrier may deliver that trade alert/ message to our Members. Delivery times are nearly instant from the time we click "SEND" and often delivered to Member's mobile phones within 10 to 30 seconds; but on very rare occasion that delivery might get bounced or delayed; again this is rare but it has been known to happen. There will be times that BotTrigger's communicated entry is below or above the pricing our Members may receive communication due to market delays or delays with our SMS/MMS Mobile Text delivery provider, EzTexting 

Disclaimer: Neither the SEC nor any state securities commission or regulatory authority approved, passed upon or endorsed the merits of any investment on the BotTrigger platform.

BotTrigger’s services do not constitute “crowdfunding” as described in Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”). BotTrigger does not accept any trading capital from Members or any respective parties with regards to BotTrigger's S-Corp under Lovical Inc &

Privacy Statement

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